
All individual CD and Meditations for Miracles: $18
MP3 formats: $8.99
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About these recordings:

Sessions and recordings can be hypnotic. Do not drive or operate machinery if listening to a  hypnosis recording.

All material or recordings are informational or for entertainment purposes and do not represent medical advice. Users of this site and purchasers of recordings should always refer to health professionals for any issues relating to health and wellbeing.


Listen to this live recording and feel as if you are actually in the room, receiving the information that participants heard in person! Each CD is one week of the six-week course. The first track is the lecture, the second track is the hypnosis itself and the third track is the group sharing their personal reactions and experiences.\"NewAlso included is a “generic” weight-loss recording designed to be listened to as often as you wish. I would recommend a minimum of once a day, preferably in the morning. This sets the tone for your day and balances your energies.
After you have listened to the entire course, you may have a favorite hypnosis CD that you would like to listen to on a regular basis. Or you may want to start from the beginning and listen to all the CDs again. This course is for YOU! Use it as you like.
Topics include: Impulse Control, Overcoming Self-Sabotage, Brain Shifting, Connecting to Your Ideal Self, Releasing Blocks and Staying on Your Path. More information about hypnosis, levels of consciousness and getting your power back are included in these sessions.
7 CDs TOTAL $97.00

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Learn this simple meditation and experience the profound benefits of achieving expanded states \"Instantof consciousness,
without years of study!
This guided meditation will allow you to
develop the powers within to obtain higher
levels of consciousness where deep inner
wisdom and understanding are waiting to unfold.
Develop a deeper level of awareness than
you ever thought possible. It\’s easier than you think!

For now, MP3s will be delivered by email
24 to 48 hours after receipt of purchase.
Click Link for MP3

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Centered around Love, Forgiveness, Personal Growth\"meditations
and Happiness, \”Meditations for Miracles\” is 365 different
daily meditations. Each one will bring inspiration, contemplation, and understanding to your daily life. Staying focused on the positive is so very important,
and \”Meditations for Miracles\” will help you do that
each and every day. Many years in the making,
this book\’s creation was an ongoing act of love and
inspiration to deliver the same love and inspiration
to the reader. Order your copy of this inspiring book and feed your mind and soul.

Purchase Price 18.00



Learn to take a wonderful journey within\"stress to the inner place of relaxation
where you exist stress-free. This recording
will assist you in discovering that inner state
of total and complete calmness so necessary
for rejuvenation and healing.

For now, MP3s will be delivered by email
24 to 48 hours after receipt of purchase.

Select Your Format (CD or MP3)

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This guided meditation will help you achieve\"meditation_for_making_contact_web_box_art
that expanded state of consciousness in which
contact with those who have crossed over to
the other side is possible.
During this assisted after-death
communication, you may receive messages
for yourself, or you may receive messages for others. You may also ask questions and
may discover information that will delight and surprise you!

You may want to listen to this recording
over and over again to gain even more
information, as results may
increase with practice.

For now, MP3s will be delivered by email
24 to 48 hours after receipt of purchase.

Select Your Format (CD or MP3)

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Use the power
of your unconscious mind\"smoking
to be what you have
always wanted to be,
a non-smoker.

For best results, listen to this recording daily in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Listen to this CD twice a day for 21 days, then once a day for 4 weeks for optimum benefits. Do not listen to this CD while operating a motor vehicle.

For now, MP3s will be delivered by email
24 to 48 hours after receipt of purchase.

Select Your Format (CD or MP3)

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This recording combines the powerful techniques of a\"harp guided meditation by Diane Ross with the vibrational attunement via the harp by Victoria Schultz to re-vitalize and attune the chakras, or energy centers, of the body.
Since each chakra resonates with a specific key and a specific color, this meditation creates the perfect
environment for optimal results.
This original music by Victoria Schultz combined with
the soothing imagery created by Diane Ross will allow
your body, mind and spirit to align with universal, eternal energy.

You may wish to listen to tracks one through seven to
balance all the chakras first, then listen to a specific
track if you are experiencing difficulty with a particular
area. Do not listen to tracks one through seven while operating
a motor vehicle. Tracks eight through fourteen contain music
only which may be enjoyed at any time.

CD Format
Purchase Price 18.00

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Most of us have felt the sadness and pain of losing important\"AfterDeathPet
members of our family, our pets. After years of loving and enjoying their company, it\’s natural that we feel a deep sense of loss when they pass.
But are they really gone? What if you could communicate with your beloved animal friends and know that they are in a place we all are destined for sooner or later? You don\’t need a pet
psychic to rekindle that bond. Maybe you can experience
that connection once again yourself. It\’s entirely possible!
Join us for this meditation, during which you will have the opportunity to communicate with your pets that have crossed over to the \”other side.\”

CD Format
Purchase Price 18.00

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This recording is designed to relieve pain.\"PainRelief\"
Whether the bodily pain is acute or chronic,
at least fifty percent pain reduction
may be achieved.
Listen to this recording as often as you like.
You may find that you are able to drift off into a pleasant sleep state while following this guided meditation. You may also find that the pain is alleviated during times when you are not listening to this recording.
For best results, either lie down or recline
in a darkened room while meditating.
Do not listen to this recording while
driving a motor vehicle.

For now, MP3s will be delivered by email
24 to 48 hours after receipt of purchase.

Select Your Format (CD or Mp3):

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This recording will allow you\"SPIRIT
to achieve that expanded state of
consciousness in which communication
with your Spirit Guides is possible.
During this guided meditation
you\’ll have the opportunity to receive
messages and ask questions from
these angelic beings.

You may want to listen to this recording
over and over, again and again, to gain
even more information, as results may
increase with practice.

For now, MP3s will be delivered by email
24 to 48 hours after receipt of purchase.

Select Your Format (CD or Mp3):

No physical or digital sales outside of the United States. Thank you for your understanding.

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