Welcome to dianeross.com! Diane L. Ross - Hypnotist- Master Practioner NLP

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  Private Sessions

A personal session with Diane is $145 and may last up to two hours. For an additional $20, you may have the session recorded as an mp3 that can be emailed to you. Appointments are typically scheduled Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Call 407-898-7918 to schedule a session now!

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“I have been working with Diane for 11 years. The first few sessions were in person in Orlando and then I moved to the DC area. That is when we started phone sessions. It has been an amazing way to connect. The work Diane and I do together is nothing short of magical. Doing our sessions through the phone is easy and convenient. All you need is a comfortable, quiet, private space, and a phone! Diane’s love, compassion, and wisdom shines through just like it does in person. I have been so thankful to have Diane’s presence continue in my life this way despite the physical distance. It’s a great way to connect and heal always, but especially during this unprecedented time. Thank you, Diane!!”
D.S. Washington, D.C.

Phone Sessions available during Covid 19

During this Covid 19 crisis, I will be conducting all sessions and regressions by phone. I have done phone sessions for many years and have done many, many phone sessions during this time. As a matter of fact, I have several clients in different states who I “see” regularly, and in the case of one client, seen regularly for many years via phone sessions.

I find my clients are totally satisfied with their phone sessions and I find them to be as effective as sessions in person. The only requirements are a good phone connection and a relatively quite place where you will not be disturbed for a couple of hours.

This is the perfect time to reconnect with your inner self and gain insights and peace of mind as regards what you and all of us are experiencing. I so look forward to working with you. Give me a call to schedule an appointment as soon as possible as I have been filling up fast with phone appointments.

Thank you,


for more info call Diane at 407 898-7918


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To see more videos, go to Diane’s Youtube Channel youtube

Echoes of Eternity

A Six-Week Past-Life Odyssey, with Diane L. Ross


Read Diane’s New Book!

Tired of being trapped by the negative energy in your life and in your mind? Inspired by A Course in Miracles, these simple steps can lead to a life of freedom and joy. Citing the latest research in neuroplasticity, Diane combines science with spirituality to help you create positive neural pathways in your brain and let go of negative thought patterns. Included are stories from both earthly and cosmic realms that will guide you on a journey to self-love and love of others. Author of the highly acclaimed, Meditations for Miracles, Diane also addresses issues such as addictions, preempting violence, becoming your authentic self and discovering your life’s purpose. Borrowing from NLP (neruolinguistic programming), hypnosis and ancient meditation techniques, this technique will help create heaven on earth. These easy steps will help you live in the moment, love unconditionally and surrender to the divine.

Available on Amazon!

Diane's Videos

These testimonials are from individual clients and real life experiences of those who have used our services or products. However, these are individual results and results can and do vary and specific outcomes may not occur or be typical. Diane L. Ross does not claim these are typical results that clients will achieve. These testimonials are not necessarily representative of everyone who will use our service or products.


Live Event Calendar

Call me for a session by phone!

with Diane Ross


for more info call Diane at 407 898-7918

 Click Here for more information on Diane’s classes


Echoes of Eternity: A Six-Week Past-Life Odyssey, with Diane L. Ross


Diane L. Ross, M.A.,

 author, speaker and facilitator of

Spiritually Transformative Experiences. 

Online via Zoom

Starting on June 11th 2024 at 7 p.m. for six weeks

TUESDAY June 11th through July 16th

Become a Dream Master, with Diane L. Ross, M.A., Certified Hypnotist,
master practitioner of NLP, and author of Meditations for Miracles and
Five Steps to Freedom. Join us for this journey into six of your previous lifetimes.
During this course you will be gently led into a deeply relaxed state
whereby you may uncover multiple previous lifetimes. Explorations include
regressions to serve your highest good, release family karma, resolve
difficult relationships, discover skills and talents, release negative patternsand more! We will also visit the “In-Between” dimension, the place in-between lifetimes, where you can discover the cosmic view of each lifetimeand learn your life’s lessons.You will also recognize souls who have incarnated with you from lifetime to lifetime and the various roles they have played. How are your previous lifetimes affecting your
current lifetime? Take a deep dive into your soul’s history as we rediscover
your past lives. We will visit a different lifetime each week. Online via Zoom. 7 to 8:30 pm on Tuesdays beginning April 9
through May 14. $170 for the entire course. This course will be posted on
a private YouTube channel so that if you miss a session, you can watch
and listen to it at your convenience.

Entire cost for all six sessions is $170. Sign up with the Eventbrite Link above!

Sessions will be available on MP3 if you miss a class and on a private Youtube link.

Please call or text Diane at 407 538-7614 for more details.

 Join us online via Zoom


Starting at 7 P.M. June 11th for six weeks.

see Eventbrite link above to sign up.

For more information call Diane at 407 898-7918.


 Click Here for more information on Diane’s classes


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